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A caregiver in the home of a senior in san diego california

San Diego Home Care

Why In Home Care?

Do you have aging parents? Do you have a loved one in need of more dedicated care? Finding the right assistance can be challenging. Facing concern by your loved one from moving to a nursing home can be heavy. In addition, many care facilities are expensive. And the loss of comfort and independence may be the greatest fear of all. 

What many people don’t know is that many of the same care and services can be provided in the comfort of one’s home. This empowers you and your loved one with both care, freedom and independence.

San Diego has increasingly become a community for those who want to enjoy their golden years in California. San Diego home care is available in many ways, and close by. 

Recognized and Award Winning Home Care:

home care san diego a place for mom
elk grove home care
caring.com logo for in home care

What Does In Home Care Look Like?

For many, in home care can provide just the right amount of life help for your senior loved one, so that they can thrive, knowing they are supported and having the assistance they need.

Typically, in home care is non-medical, and is more focussed on daily life needs of individual seniors.

Some of these functions include:

  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Daily Hygiene, dressing
  • Bathing
  • Mobility
  • Companionship

In addition to these, here are some essentials that nearly all home care can assist with:

  • Household duties

  • from sorting mail, organizing, meeting with repair vendors, answering the door, these chores and duties can be quite overwhelming for a senior. Yet a caring, compassionate and organized caregiver can take much of the load off
  • Scheduling and appointments

  • this is one of the most exhausting parts of living our golden years. Between medical appointments, checkups, and keeping a schedule, these activities can be wearisome when having to keep track of it all. In-home caregivers can provide that needed support to make a schedule work with a busy life.

Get Started Today

I in-home care right for your loved one? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Home Care takes a load of stress out of life. It is so relieving to be able to focus on the relationship, and not the tasks and burdens of daily chores and care.

Michael Cutler


Benefits of At Home Senior Care

At-home care for senior citizens brings so many benefits compared with hospitals, care centers and group homes. One of the biggest being the ability to allow your loved one to know they are cared for, without the impression that comes with being put into a nursing home. Ultimately it is about improving personal health and bringing peace-of-mind to family members who may be over-burdened.

But there are so many other benefits as well.


For many of us, our house is our home. And many seniors have grown deep roots in their home. Our home is a place a comfort, security and assurance. At home senior care allows seniors to remain the the peace and comfort of their own home, while having valuable help and assistance when it’s needed.


Being uprooted, transported and readjusted into a senior care group facility can be difficult and challenging. Leaving the comforts of home, to be in a new environment can be a hassle like traveling through large airports on a busy holiday.

At home senior care is much easier for seniors to enjoy and thrive in.

In addition, for loved ones, in home care affords them the ability to come and go when needed, without the complicated red tape, rules and restrictions of entering nursing home facilities.

Health and Better Healing

In a study by the Global Coalition on Aging, home care led to 25% fewer doctor visits, 12% fewer hospital admissions, and faster overall progress on healing. It works. The added rest, comfort and personalized care that comes from having a caregiver in a home, has the power to bring better healing.

In addition, after the COVID-19 pandemic, we all learned some of the dangers of grouping up many people into large facilities. By remaining at home, your senior loved one can have the assurance of having less risk of unnecessary disease exposure.


Routine and regular safety monitoring is an essential service that comes from home care. Caregivers are specially trained to check for potential problems physically with the home, and their clients. They can work quickly to address and correct many hazards, before they arise. 

Lower Costs

Depending on the type and frequency of service, at home senior care can deliver quality care for your loved one at potentially less costs. Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and senior care centers have high overhead and required expenses. From round-the-clock cleaning, inspections, state regulations, and redundant staffing, clients have to pay a heavy price to remain in those facilities.

At home care has flexible scheduling to suit the unique needs of each person. And by using the convenience of your loved ones own home, they can save money from the unnecessary costs that many clients have to pay elsewhere.


Being accessible to grandchildren, siblings, and other family members and friends is one of the biggest benefits of having at home senior care. They can be accessible, yet “covered” with professional service that cares for them. This can reduce or eliminate the relational burdens of adult children and other family member having to organize care schedules.


Cost of Home Care in San Diego vs Nursing Home Costs

There are a wide range of costs, depending on the care plan that you need. For example, if you just need a few hours a week (we can start as low as a 3-hour minimum) that may result in just a few thousand dollars a year. 

Comparatively, the average private room in a nursing home, full time, is over $90k in the USA, and slightly higher here in California. Yet, home care, with a full 8-10 hour daily shift every day from a caretaker, is half that, averaging $41k.

We can customize and personalize a special care plan that fits your loved one’s needs and your budget. 

Nursing home care, however, is either all or nothing.  


Up to 75% less costly than expensive hospital recovery care


Over 90% more flexible in pricing care packages than senior centers


Lower costs than Standard nursing home care if using part-time service

Explore Senior Care in the Home

Golden Years In Home Senior Care has been changing senior care throughout the Golden State. We’ve been bringing in-home care for seniors and others for over 30 years. Whether you are just learning about options for your senior loved one, or are ready to move forward, we can help you understand what in home care looks like. 

In home care is not for everyone. Each senior has unique needs that might be best served with other options. But we are confident that care in the home can help most families who need scheduled help for their senior loved one.

In Home Elderly Care

Elderly care can come in many forms. Whether it is in the medical care side, or simply help with daily chores and hygiene activities, or even emotional support, in home elderly care can provide the care needed to thrive.

Finding the Right In Home Care for Senior Family Members

When searching for senior care near me, you’ll find many options that can be overwhelming. They range from large hospital divisions, to group homes, to dedicated assisted living centers. And pricing has a wide range. Yet a growing option for seniors is care, right in the comfort of their own home. This has many benefits for clients, but also provides benefits to friends and family members and service providers as well.

Home Care Throughout San Diego

From Balboa park area, to San Diego's core, and all throughout the region, Golden Years In-home senior care has san diego covered.

Local San Diego Care

All throughout San Diego, there are many choices for senior care. Hospitals, for starters, have senior care divisions. Whether it is UC San Diego Health, Scripps, or the wide variety of skilled nursing facilities, there is a wide spectrum of choices for care for aging within San Diego county.

Yet a growing number of seniors and their family loved ones are choosing home care for aging in their golden years. It has many benefits, not to mention the cost savings.

National Chains vs. Local San Diego Professionals

Several large national chains abound in the San Diego area. Many of these chains operate on high centralized business models, meaning they are driven by high margin agendas. In order to achieve this, caregivers are often paid low, and yet given a high quota of clients or client hours to work, to earn their keep. And the San Diego office returns most of the profit to out-of-state corporate offices, typically back East.

This purely profit-driven model leaves many seniors and their families paying a high price, for limited care. And often, the caregivers are overworked, and and relationally spent.

A different approach involves using locally-owned home care providers. While also businesses themselves, they often are rooted in the community, and do not have the pressures of investors, quarterly earnings, and high overhead that national chains have. And because their approach is local, knowing the community through grass roots, they don’t need high advertising budgets and sales people. 

This leads to happier, better trained caregivers. This results in happier seniors.

Personalized Care Packages:

Because we do not have large corporate offices to please, we can offer more flexible pricing and care packages.

Lower prices:

By using care by locally operated providers, your home care can be significanly lower cost as there are no middle-men or company offices to share money to.

Using local Talent

Our caregivers tend to be local to the San Diego area, and know the community better than large corporate staff teams

Happier caregivers = Happier Clients

Less red tape, work quotas and large company hassles. Our caregivers feel supported and take pride in the clients they care for.

Providing top care in the san diego area

In Home Care San Diego

Golden Years In Home Senior Care is locally owned by California natives. Originally started in Sacramento, their family, roots and connections naturally led to offering in home senior care in San Diego.

Golden Years passion is to provide a client-caregiver focused approach. Well trained, well supported caregivers, that are not burdened with high quotas, and corporate demands, can offer compassion, friendship, and attention to detail for their senior clients. They are able to take ownership, pride and happiness in their client-caregiver relationship. And because there are no multi-levels of management, and layers of offices, Golden Years can offer this better quality in home care at a lower cost than many other providers.

When looking for in home care San Diego, choose a local, family operated and client focussed provider.

What Makes Golden Years Different?

Our company is known for compassionate relationships. While household chores, scheduling appointments, meal prep, bathing and transportation are all common activities that caregivers are trained for, Golden Years caregivers are trained in an additional culture of compassion. 

What good is it to do all these chores for your loved one, if they don’t feel loved? What good is it to take care of tasks, if they don’t experience actual care? Golden Years is uniquely different from all other in home care providers in the area, in that listening, engaging conversations, and compassion are part of their training and DNA of our team. 

Yes, we understand that not all clients are easy to deal with. They may be going through an incredible amount of stress. Yet, Golden Years caregivers, even in times of stress, can provide that compassionate, listening ear that even family members may simply have a hard time giving.

This is another reason why hiring professionals to assist in the care for your aging loved one, is often times better for your relationship with them. It lifts the burden, and provides family members with peace-of-mind.

nurse supervised home care

Our unique Approach

Nurse Supervised care

One of the unique differences with Golden Years In-Home Care is our full-time nurse developing, and implementing home care plans for each client

Best Quality Assurance

Finally, we have a well-structured care program that is completely customizable to each and every client. Our care coordinators, caregivers, clients and family members assess and improve any care within the first day, first week and 3-week marks, making any changes necessary, ensuring the right long-term care is being provided. 

Nurse-Supervised Care

Although home care is non-medical, we have a full-time nurse director on our staff, that develops the care plans fore every client, to ensure safety and connection with any needs or concerns from your health care provider.

Our nurse can communicate directly with your loved one’s doctor, to ensure continuity of care, including the transition to home, is smooth and seamless with any medical care that has been performed. Our caregivers have direct access and accountability to this nurse, to make for successful at-home care service.

Caregiver Matching

In addition to matching a caregiver who is close in location, skillsets and personality, they are trained for a wide range of client personalities and needs. 

Compassionate Care

Our team DNA is all about how to provide compassionate care for every client. From quality one-on-one time, listening, and participation in daily activities, compassion is our driving force.

Start Care Today

Learn if in-home senior care is right for you. Free consultation over the phone. 

In Home Care Services We Offer

Every individual senior is unique in their needs. And yet every one of them needs caring compassionate service, from someone who can be by their side. To accommodate many kinds of needs and budgets, we offer several levels of skilled caregiving. It can range from simple to more complex caregiving, depending on your unique situation.

Here are some of the caregiving services that are available:

    • Light household cleaning

    • Daily dental hygiene

    • Bathing

    • Walking assistance

    • Mail sorting and home office help

    • Scheduling appointments

    • Transportation 

    • Shopping together

    • Cooking and meal prep

    • Household organization

    • Serving as a companion to social activities

    • Hearing stories and engaging in conversation

    • Family activities

    • Assistance when grandchildren come over

    • Nurse-directed care (upon special request)

    • Some vitals

    • Some nursing and medical assessment and care (upon special request)

    • Emergency response and contact

    • Light yard care and spending time together in the yard

Your loved one attempting to do just a handful of these activities could be overwhelmed in their age. That is where home care can help them. It lifts the burden, and allows for greater degree of life enjoyment.

In Home Memory Care

Seniors with dementia, alzheimers and short-term memory loss are most to benefit with in home care. They can remain in familiar surroundings, while having assistance they need with many of lifes activities.

Our caregivers are trained to assist in memory care. Using mentally stimulating activities, they can help slow down the effects of memory loss. In addition, they have special experience and knowledge to help seniors with dementia know and feel affirmed, while possibly improving their mental state. Simple things like helping in home organization, and steps to item recovery, can all be utilized to provide superior at-home memory care.

VA Home Care Benefits

We love to work with our vets who have served our country. The VA Aid And Attendance Benefits can provide substantial financial assistance to veterans who served during war time. We can help you find out if you qualify, and ensure that they are available if you do. More details can be found at https://www.va.gov/pension/aid-attendance-housebound/

Senior Living community Placement

For some of our clients, there comes a time when they need to be placed into an assisted living community or memory care facility. It can be hard finding the right one. We have connections and relationships with several senior living communities right here in the San Diego area. We are happy to offer this service to anyone looking.

24 Hour Care

Our licensed home care service fully qualifies for 24-hour care that may be required after certain medical procedures. We offer one of the few approved 24-hour home care services in the San Diego region. If your loved one has gone through a procedure, the hospital, doctor or medical provider may only allow them to be released from the expensive hospital recovery care, if there is a qualified at-home alternative. Golden years In Home Care can provide that transition with a team of caring, compassionate caregivers that can aide in recovery. We can communicate directly with your hospital or provider, to make all the arrangements, and ensure everything runs smoothly.

We Know San Diego

If you or your loved one call San Diego home, we know why. With its many services, hospitals, and mild weather, it’s an incredible place to retire. It is also a good place to age in place, in the comfort of home. 

We not only know California, we know San Diego well. Led by local San Diego area residents, our team of at home senior care caregivers, and their support staff and overseers are all local to the area, and close by just a short drive away.

We have caregivers in coastal communities, near downtown, and inland. North and south, all throughout the area. We can match you with the right caring caregiver who is close by, trained, and ready to come alongside your aging loved one. 

Serving San Diego and Surrounding Areas

We have a wide range of skilled caregivers. And they are supported by a team of experienced support staff, who can ensure that their care is done right, and both clients and caregivers are treated professionally, yet with individual care.

Whether your loved one lives up north, near Oceanside, inland in Escondido, or right in the heart of town, we know and serve nearly all areas in San Diego.

  • Service areas

  • Our in-home care services for seniors and elderly are offered all throughout the region. Here are some of our top communities and areas that we serve:

    • Del mar - Mira Mesa

    • Central san diego

    • Kearny Mesa

    • South Bay

    • Oceanside

    • Poway

    • Carlsbad

    • La Jolla

    • UCSD surrounding neighborhoods

    • Miramar

    • Escondido

    • Southeastern San Diego

    • Sweetwater

    • And many other local neighborhoods

    Our caregivers know the area, and can also assist your loved one with transportation and companionship to local events, activities and appointments. For non-emergencies, this can help your loved one avoid expensive medical care and ride hailing services, while providing a companion throughout the time.

Award Winning Home Care

We have won several awards here in California, including a local Best Healthcare Consultant award, and Best of Business on platforms of caring.com and A Place For Mom. When you have home care through Golden Years, you can be assured you are having the best, and most personalized home care available for your loved one.

Learn More About Golden Years In-Home Care

We have won several awards here in California, including a local Best Healthcare Consultant award, and Best of Business on platforms of caring.com and A Place For Mom. When you have home care through Golden Years, you can be assured you are having the best, and most personalized home care available for your loved one.

Get Started

To get started, talk with one of our in home care specialists who can listen to your situation, and understand your needs. We can then give you options for in-home care that match the needs of your senior loved one.

Contact Us Today

I in-home care right for your loved one? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know, you may have questions about if Home Care is right for you. You may have questions about our services, pricing and more. Here are some of the top questions we've been asked:

What is the cost of In Home Care in San Diego?

Unlike many national chains, which often require high weekly minimum hours, we are unique in that we can make custom schedules to better fit your budget.

Depending on the type of care your loved one needs, our pricing is at either package or hourly rates, and can range from $35/hour to $65/hour. We start with a low 3-hour weekly minimum, yet most clients find that 5-20 hours a week fit most of their needs.

Is Home Care Affordable?

$42-$45k a year can easily be spent on a senior living facility in the first 6 months. Yet, in-home care, at that same level of staff time, is less than $3k more, yet is completely one-on-one, personal and customized to your loved one’s needs. 

If home care hours are on a more average 8-10 hours a day, the cost drops significantly, and can be less than half of the cost of nursing home care. And occasional visits, with 3-20 hours a week, for more independent seniors, home care is a significant savings over traditional nursing home service.

Are there areas in the San Diego region that Golden Years does not serve?

We serve nearly all areas of San Diego county west of the mountains to the coast, from the Mexico border up to Oceanside. Currently, we do not offer service in neighboring San Bernardino and Orange Counties, but are focused in the San Diego area.

Can You provide Postoperative care?

Yes! Home care is an ideal option for many after-procedure care. The comfort, and convenience of being in the home can help in recovery, and some research suggests that it can make recovery faster. The assistance of a home care aide can make that time and transition smoother. They can help assist with making the home and environment better, more safe, and providing that necessary occasional support that may be needed.

Are caregivers nurses?

While some caregivers are nurses, most are not. Golden Years primarily provides non-medical home health care. Some of our caregivers are trained and certified to administer drugs under supervision, take vitals, and communicate with health care providers, for added cost.

All our caregivers have some training on first aid or first response. But the majority of our home care service packages for average budgets include a caregiver that is focused on providing help around the home, activities, emotional support, and transportation services.

Is In-Home Care the same as Home Hospice?

We have worked with hospice referrals and can provide necessary support that many hospice cases need. For most in hospice, a balance of both a home caregiver, along with occasional visits by a medical care provider, is sufficient for home hospice, while keeping costs low.

Are there grants or government programs to help cover the cost of in-home care?

While federal programs only cover parts of home care in certain circumstances, there are more California State programs that potentially can assist financially with more.  Along with these, private non-profit grants, organizations, long-term care insurance and company pensions may have provisions for partial reimbursement for care. We can assist you in assessing whether you might qualify for any of these financial benefits.

How Often will the Caregiver Come Visit?

Together we can work with you to create a custom schedule that fits your loved one’s needs and budget. We have a small minimum weekly hour requirement, at three or more hours. Some have once a week visits. Others have twice a week, daily, evening shifts and so many more. If you’re not sure, we can give you guidance on what is ideal for your situation. 

Are Caregivers On Call?

If you request on-call service, we can match you with a caregiver or colleague who is available outside of your normal schedule for assistance. Typically we ask for advance notice, but you can always call one of our support supervisors to see if someone can come and assist as needed for a change of plans.

What client situations do you not serve?

We primarily provide non-medical home care. Situations and conditions that may require the frequent monitoring by a medical specialist, may be more appropriate to arrange through your healthcare provider. We can possibly assist you in looking for other options, along with the supplement of a standard home care caregiver who can offer support for less urgent needs.

Do we have to sign up for a long term contract for in home care?

The short answer is no. While we ask for a certain advance notice if you plan to cancel or make changes to your homecare service, there are no long-term contracts. We want you to feel comfortable and secure knowing that you can change any time.

My mother lives with me in my home. Is in-home care still useful?

Yes, a growing number of home care clients are living with other family members. By having the assistance of an additional home caregiver in the home occasionally, you can find enormous benefits. You could potentially experience less burdens, ease in where to draw boundaries, yet being close by and engaged in the life of your aging parent or loved one.


  1. Home Instead Senior Care and Global Coalition on Aging. “Relationship-based Care and Positive Outcomes for People with Alzheimer’s and Their Families.” Nov. 2014. Available at: http://www.ncgg.go.jp/topics/dementia/documents/Topic1-7JeffHuber.pdf

Get Started Today

Is in-home care right for your loved one? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Or Contact Us Online here.